August Stats

nother month is gone & I did almost nothing in my sewing room again!  
Summer is busy for many of us and school started today for my little one, which means time for me to work on some projects!

I thought I'd start including my monthly stats here (but you can check out old stats where I typically posted them)
You can snag your own copy of this checklist by clicking here

August Stats:
Quilts Started - 1
Tops Made - 1
Quilts Quilted - 1
Bound & Photographed - 1
Total finishes for the year: 22

Patterns Released - 0
Donations Made - $18

Every month I donate a portion of my pattern sales to a different organization.  For August I chose the Dream Award from Scholarship America in honor of back to school. 

Just like July, this month we had a very busy summer with many extracurricular activities. 
We're still dealing with the surprise medical issues that popped up last month.
And my long arm partially broke and I've been waiting for the replacement piece I need since August 2nd.  Fingers crossed it arrives today like it's supposed to!

But here's some behind the scenes images of what I did accomplish! 

Technically I finished the lifeguard quilt my son asked for on August 1st (right before lessons, phew!!) 


I cut up a Jelly Roll while I waited for my commission to send the final pieces needed! 


Aurifil has a monthly challenge & I made a sunflower mini for it

I started a YouTube channel! (You can click <---- or below to be taken there!)

 And I finished up the last blocks swap I'm hosting.

I'm still plugging along on the commissioned memory quilt.  The process started back in October of last year, so I'm very ready to hand it off to its forever home - but my long arm needs to be fixed before I can finish it, so it's more waiting.

I also started painting a few walls in the house to help with my need to be creative and play with colour.  I'm stenciling a different design as an accent wall in half a dozen rooms.  Please wish me patience and luck with this, as I detest painting 😅

Happy sewing! 

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