Stats - July

Another month is gone & my day planner is still flipped open to July 17, if that gives you any hint of how the month is going 🙃

I thought I'd start including my monthly stats here (but you can check out old stats where I typically posted them)
You can snag your own copy of this checklist by clicking here

July Stats:
Quilts Started - 2
Tops Made - 1
Quilts Quilted - 2
Bound & Photographed - 1
Total finishes for the year: 21

Patterns Released - 0
Donations Made - $15

Every month I donate a portion of my pattern sales to a different organization.  For July I chose Hearing Health Foundation in honor of July being Disability Pride Month. 

This month we had a very busy summer (summer school ended July 15th), so many extracurricular activities, and some surprise medical issues within my little family so I did not do much of anything in my sewing room.

But here's some behind the scenes images of what I did accomplish! 

I took up EPP for the month! 

And made a little quilt (top) for my son's favorite stuffie, Fuzzy Racoon.


I made a bunch of hourglass blocks out of directional prints (and recorded a short video tutorial!) 

I started a few more with nondirectional prints for the block swap I'm hosting, but set them aside to work on a commissioned quilt.  I can't show pictures of it since it is a memory quilt made with photo squares, but I've got everything trimmed to size & will work on assembly soon.

The Ruby Star Society hosted a fun sewalong for this "Perfect Picnic" quilt so I set the memory quilt aside while I wait for the border fabric to arrive & quilted this cute thing.
I used all scraps for the main & black and stash for the low volumes.  The back is just as fun - and uses up some bigger cuts I had sitting around.

Then Thursday we found out that my son's swim instructor was leaving a bit before the lessons are ending (there's half a dozen lifeguards working where he takes lessons but he somehow always ends up with this guy in particular.  They get along well & both are silly souls) so I had to scramble to make him a quilt. 
My love langue is gifts & if my son asks me to make something for someone who is special to him I usually do. 

I finished it this morning before we headed to swim, but technically in July it looked like this (I finished quilting it at 2 am and boy am I tired today) 

And that's it! 
There was lots of driving, lots of laughter, and lots of walking longingly past my sewing room.

Hopefully August will be more peaceful.
Happy sewing! 

1 comment

  • i have been wanting to try epp and i don’t know where to begin. you have inspired me so much

    Aurora Bailey

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