the Xenia QAL week 3!


QAL Started: June 1st, but you're welcome to join any time! 

QAL Ends:  in 8 weeks (Aug 3 is the final week)

Materials needed this week:
the Xenia Quilt pattern 
your cut fabric
A rotary cutter & ruler (for trimming) 

How to Participate:
This QAL takes place on Instagram - use the hashtag #theXeniaQAL in the caption for your posts we can all see your photos!

More Information:
This post may contain affiliate links.
I'll send out an email every Monday with that week's prompts & information.
I'll also add a blog post here every Monday, too!
There may be more tips & tricks in the emails, though, so don't forget to sign up here!
Don't forget that Patchwork River is offering a discount & an extra donation to the family for every Xenia quilt top sent in before October!! 

Week Three!!

This week we are making blocks!
You should have all your fabric cut to your preference (template vs FPP) so this week should be a breeze :)

If you are making the toddler size, make (2) blocks this week
If you're making the throw, make (3) blocks this week
And if you're making the big size, make (5) blocks this week.

If you're making a different size, make as many as you'd like!

There are already SO many great blocks popping up on the hashtag - if you haven't scrolled thru yet, I highly suggest it :)

Next week we'll be making.....MORE blocks!!
Get ready for some great eye candy below & thanks for following along!

these blocks are by Alta - she's using Carrie Bloomston's Wish line. 
You can check out more of her progress here

Angie is one of my favorite testers & good quilting friends!  She's got a fun rainbow going on - see her progress here

Julie made a whole nother baby quilt from her scraps!  Her Christmas version is too cute!! See more (including that fun scrap quilt) here

And finally, my progress for this week!
I made four because I am so good at following my own directions.....

This brings my total up to 6 so far!  I'm making the throw & am pleased as to how it's looking.  I was sort of worried about the grey on grey, but (second heart from the bottom) they're playing fine together!


If you're just joining in, check out the links below
Week One
Week Two

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