We're Almost Done - the Xenia QAL!

You guys!!!! It's almost over! I don't know how to feel about this....

This week we're putting on the sashing & assembling the top.
It may sound like a lot in one week, but since there will be sashing on every heart, regardless of your layout, and there's no cornerstones to deal with (unless you're adding them in on yours!) it does go pretty quickly.

The longest thing for me is always the layout.  I try to spread out my colours & similar patterns, but I also try not to stress too much.  

I am a serial chain piecer, so I ran all my hearts through one after another after another until each one had sashing. 
Then I press, sort by colour & they're ready for the wall!

Don't forget you get a discount & an extra donation goes to Xenia's family if you send Kayla at Patchwork River your top before October!

Here are some from the hashtag that were finished up last week! 

Barb has her lovely red & pinks done!

Patricia's is stunning with that dark background!

Alta used the CUTEST set of fabric!! I love those elephants!

thanks for sewing along with me!! I can't wait to see all the finished tops.  There will be one more post next week showing off more finished tops!!

x Stephanie 

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